about us + contact

Being rescues ourselves, we wanted to find a way that we could help other animals in need.
We put our paws together, presented our idea to our humans, and Pet Medical Transport became a reality. Our business safely transports animals between hospitals but also from their homes to their veterinarian.

When we arrive, we have the use of a gurney as needed for our friends who can’t get up. Our drivers are certified veterinary professionals who understand our behavior and know what hospitals to take us to. We can also provide oxygen en route for those in need. Each transport is clean and secure with our crates that are crash tested and disinfected between each transport.

Our mission is to safely and securely transport our future furry friends to the care they need with the goal to be back on their paws in no time.
Love and belly rubs,

P.S. Would you like to join our team?
Contact Us
(720) 899-7114
We are located in Arvada, Colorado, and we travel to you to pick up your pet!
8am – 6pm Monday – Friday
After hours based on driver availability
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